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Every Athlete should remember

Sample collection (also known as doping control or drug testing) is an essential part of protecting the integrity of sport through anti-doping measures. It is the process used to detect the use of a banned substance, or prohibited method by an athlete.

You should comply with a valid request for testing because you could face sanctions if you refuse. The sanction for refusing to provide a sample when requested could be the same as the sanction you would get if you provide a sample that contains a prohibited substance.

A test can be either in-competition or out-of-competition – for example at an athlete’s training venue or home address. Most testing is carried out with no-advance notice. The test can involve the collection of urine and/or blood, or other methods such as Dried Blood Spot testing. 

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Urine Collection

Before you enter the bathroom area, you will be asked to leave your phone, water bottle, jacket and any other items outside. You and the Doping Control Officer or Chaperone will then enter the bathroom area...

You should be notified that...


Blood Collection

If you have not done any physical activity prior to notification, then the rest period is 10 minutes.

If you have done exercise that has raised your heartrate above your baseline for normal activities, the rest time can vary from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the type of blood test required.



Under the World Anti-Doping Code, ignorance is no excuse, so keep your anti-doping knowledge up to date. 

The best way to acquire or update your anti-doping knowledge is to use a WADA learning platform, contact your NADO, or attend a specialized training session.

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